Sunday, March 22, 2009


I like being a sister. I have an older sister and a younger sister. I get to be right in the middle. I get to learn from Noelle and I get to teach Nya. Nya likes to giggle when I make funny faces. I am a great babysitter, I always help my mom with my baby sister. My older sister is a great example to me and she teaches me how to do things that I don't know how to do yet. My mom always wanted a sister but she only got 3 brothers, so she wanted to have a sister for her daughter, after Noelle was born. Bergen came next and then I came and then after Tate we got yet another sister, Nya. How blessed we are!


  1. I love your blog Emma - it's so cute!

  2. Wow Emma! You are so lucky to have such a big family. i love your blog it is very pretty.
